Resi Rescue September: No Credit Scoring

19th Sep, 2023 | Broker News, Resi Rescue

Bobby’s Story

Bobby had a very low credit score, due to some inquiries and issues that occurred several years ago, although his current credit card payments and car loan were up to date. Bobby’s application with another lender was declined, based on his low credit score.


Why he came to RESI

Resi does not assess applications based on the individual credit score. Bobby’s circumstances and current repayment history on his facilities were taken into account. As there was no adverse repayment history over the last 6 months, Resi could consider Bobby’s circumstances under Prime policy and the low credit score was not relevant.

RESI’s Solution

  • Bobby was able to make his purchase under Resi Essentials Prime Full Doc at 80% LVR.
  • Bobby was able to consolidate his credit card and car loan, as his CRA showed no adverse repayment history over the last 6 months.
  • Resi Essentials Prime Full Doc has a $0 application fee and no ongoing account keeping fees.


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