We are pleased to announce many new product and policy game-changing Enhancements to our Resi Essentials Product range!
1. Loan Size and Max LVR changes.
Significantly increased loan sizes and LVR’s for both Metro and Non-Metro localities.
- Significantly increased loan sizes on Prime Alt doc, all Near Prime and all Specialist
- Max LVR on Prime Alt Doc increased to 90%
- Max LVR on all Near Prime Full and Alt Doc increased to 90% (except for Owner-Occupied IO which is limited to 85%)
- Max LVR on all specialist Full and Alt Doc increased to 85%
*All new loan size limits have been highlighted in bold.
Prime Full Doc

Prime Alt Doc

Near Prime Full Doc

Near Prime Alt Doc

Specialist Full Doc

Specialist Alt Doc

2. Changes to our approach to servicing
Introduction of a reduced servicing buffer of 1.5% for all Prime Full and Alt doc up to 75% LVR.
We have replaced our refinance buffer with a 1.5% buffer for Prime and Near Prime deals (both Full and Alt Doc) with an LVR less than or equal to 75%. We have also totally removed all additional NSR requirments.
Our clear objective is to assist more borrowers now we are approaching the perceived top of the current interest rate cycle.
Our new servicing calculator will be able to be accessed via the Broker portal on the Resi website, or via the relevant document library within Salestrekker.
3. Living Expense verification and Provision of Bank Statements
Removed the requirement of the provision of bank statements in the vast majority of circumstances.
Provided declared living expenses are at least equal to the appropriate HEM figure, bank statements will not automatically be required.
4. Simplified approach to Repayment History Information (RHI)
Simplified approach for use of RHI information and reduced the history examined for non-mortgage accounts.
Resi has introduced a market leading and easy to follow concept of peak RHI for Mortgage and Non-Mortgage Accounts. RHI information is assessed over the most recent 6 months for Mortgage accounts and only 3 months for non-Mortgage accounts. There is no need to use complicated arrears calculators, a simple review of the CCR will reveal what product is most suited for your customer.
For detailed information, you can refer to the Quick Reference Guide which will be available in the documents folder within Salestrekker or within the broker portal of the Resi Website. Tables are included below for your reference.
Mortgage Accounts

Non-Mortgage Accounts

5. Other Improvements
We have introduced a series of other improvements to make doing business with Resi as easy as possible!
- Maximum exposure to any single borrower increased to $5,000,000.
- Discretionary Trusts – Resi no longer requires guarantees from beneficiaries. We now only require guarantees from the director/shareholders of the trustee company or anyone who controls the assets and distributions of the trust.
- Overtime – For Near Prime and Specialist loans, we now only require 6 months of evidence instead of 12, and still use 100% in servicing.
- Documentation Requirements – We have reduced the documentation requirements (when a bank statement option is used to verify that income is chosen) for several income types from 6 to 3 months. Examples are Self-Funded retirees, ongoing Govt. Payment Recipients, Child Care benefits, Child support and maintenance; carers’ income and more.
- Properties Reliant on Tank or Bore water – can now be accepted, provided in a suitable location and this does not impact on the marketability of the property.